Basia Benda
Programme Manager
Basia joined The Power of Nutrition in 2020. She is responsible for managing and reporting our programmes in Burkina Faso, Zambia, Malawi and Lesotho and previously managed the Madagascar programme (which has now closed).
Before joining The Power of Nutrition, in her previous roles with Valid International and Valid Evaluation, Basia managed a large portfolio of nutrition and humanitarian research projects in Asia and Africa. While working for Valid International, Basia provided technical support to partners and helped build local capacity. She also worked on the design and implementation of coverage evaluations for CMAM nutrition programmes in the field (such as SQUEAC/SLEAC).
Since 2009, Basia worked in Niger and Burkina Faso (for UNICEF, Helen Keller International, World Vision and Save the Children) and managed nutrition projects in Chad, Mali and Mauritania. More recently, under Valid Evaluations, she managed a five year evaluation for DFID Multi-Year Funding Evaluation in DRC, Sudan, Pakistan and Ethiopia, and was closely involved with the DRC and Pakistan research component, implementing qualitative field work on resilience in North and South Kivu and Peshawar in Pakistan. Basia is fluent in Polish, English, French and Spanish.